(P. 14-15 of Student Handbook)
A dismissal before 10:43 a.m. will count as an unexcused absence unless proper documentation is provided to qualify the dismissal as excused (i.e., an appointment note from a medical professional). Four (4) unexcused dismissals from school per quarter will count as one day of unexcused absence. In order to be considered present for the day, you must be in attendance in the learning environment at least half of the scheduled school day. In the event that a student appears to be impaired, they will be subject to an involuntary dismissal for safety reasons.
*Seniors will be dismissed (excused) after the completion of the senior meeting or no later than 11:27 a.m. on the day of the senior prom.
All students getting dismissed are required to drop off a written note to the Main Office in the morning before 9:00 a.m. The note must state the date, the time the student is being dismissed, it must be signed by a parent/legal guardian and have a valid working telephone number where the parent/guardian can be reached to verify such dismissal. If the student is a self-driver the parent also must indicate this in the note. If an emergency arises during the day and a student must be dismissed, a parent or guardian must come to the school to pick up their child (dismissal notes through e-mail should only be used in emergency situations and must come from an e-mail address on file with the school).
Only a parent/guardian/ or a person on the emergency contact list may dismiss a student. Exceptions to this can only occur if there is something in writing by the parent/guardian (and confirmed by phone) indicating the student may be dismissed to the given individual. The person dismissing will need to present valid identification matching the name identified on the note. The parent/guardian/emergency contact person will also need to present a photo I.D. to the Main Office secretary when they come to dismiss a student. If the necessary required Identification is not provided the student will not be dismissed.