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Greater Lowell Technical High School

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(P. 14 of Student Handbook)

Tardiness to School Policy

Four (4) unexcused tardies to school per quarter will count as one day of unexcused absence. Unexcused tardiness after 10:43 a.m. will count as one day of unexcused absence. Students who receive their sixth (6) tardy to school for the year will be subject to the progressive discipline policy (three (3) or more in a marking period will result in suspension of driving privileges).

Tardiness to School Procedure

Students who are tardy after homeroom must immediately report to the Main Office. If there are extenuating circumstances that caused the tardiness, students should provide a note from their parent/guardian on that same day explaining the reason for the tardiness.

Tardiness to Class Policy

Students have two minutes to travel from one class to the next. This is sufficient to be punctual no matter where in the building your next class is located. Students are responsible for determining what materials from their lockers should be carried in order to arrive to class on time.

Tardiness to Class Procedure

Students arriving after the bell will sign the classroom tardy log and proceed directly to their assigned work area. Classroom management procedures will be followed for students exhibiting a pattern of tardy arrivals. Three tardies to class/homeroom per quarter may result in progressive discipline.