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Greater Lowell Technical High School

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Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)

The Greater Lowell Technical High School Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an all-volunteer organization of parents of children with disabilities who meet to learn more about Special Education. We sponsor monthly informational meetings and work with the school administration to improve our children's education.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Greater Lowell Technical High School Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is to work toward understanding, respect, support and appropriate education for all children with special needs in our community.


The purpose of the Greater Lowell Technical High School Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is to provide information and support to parents of children with special needs. To that end, they will work to:

  • develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as well as secure for every child the highest advantages in education. That every effort be made by all concerned to end=sure each child is treated fairly and impartially.
  • advise the Director of Special Education and the School Committee on the operation and development of Special Education programs.
  • establish better understanding and communication between parents/ guardians and school officials.
  • establish a network of support between parents with similar needs.
  • meet regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development and evaluation of Greater Lowell Technical High School Special Education programs.
  • promote communication and programs within the community and to encourage understanding, acceptance and inclusion of children with special needs.
  • provide informational forums to parents, educators, students and professionals involved with children with special needs.


General membership is open to any resident of the Greater Lowell District of Dracut, Dunstable, Lowell and Tyngsboro or persons affiliated with the District's public schools who have attended at least one meeting of the Greater Lowell Technical High School Parent Advisory Council during a twelve-month period.

General meetings will be held monthly from September through June. Notice of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) meetings are posted on the school web-site, as well as provided by phone (Connect Ed) or by mail to the general membership prior to each meeting stating the time, date, and purpose.

Join Today ... We Welcome Your Participation - If you are interested in becoming a member or would like more information about the Greater Lowell Technical High School Parent Advisory Council, please contact the SEPAC at 978-454-5411 ext. 6674 or email your address.

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